People, Profiles and Users

  • Each person added in some context on will become an identity that can be referenced from any (future) conference instance.

  • A person is identified by his/her email address.

    • An identity can only be claimed by the owner of that email address by registering (Sign Up from the menu bar)
  • All persons have a General Profile with someone’s up-to-date profile data.

    • In case a user claimed this person identity, only he/she may change the data of the general profile
    • In case the identity is not claimed yet, editors of a conference in which this person has an active role may update the data of the general profile as well
  • A person may also have Conference-specific Profile s:

    • In case a person has an active role in some conference, a snapshot copy of the `General Profile` is automatically made after the conference ends. This copy is called a Conference-specific Profile. When profile information is shown in the context of that past conference, it will always reflect someone’s bio/affiliation at the time/in the context of the conference.
    • Conference specific profiles can also be created before a conference ends. This may be useful when a bio or affiliation should be different from someone’s global info for example.
    • Different from global profiles, editors of a conference may change the data of conference-specific profiles, also when the account where the conference-specific profile belongs to is claimed.